Over the years since the discovery of the Iceman, there have been constant debates and struggles to obtain the exact cause of Otzi’s death. Many theories have been suggested over time but have always been proven inaccurate by a newly further developed theory. Through the use of the abundant range of technological devices, scientists have been able to deeply explore the Iceman’s corpse gaining insights which may have affect Otzi’s death. With each discovery opening up new clues and information, scientists embark on an arduous journey to seek the cause of death of Otzi, the Iceman.
The photos of the original find of the Iceman, were used as the first resources to determine how the Iceman’s life might have ended. With the copper axe placed carefully against a rock, archaeologist Konrad Spindler suggested that it was most probably put there by Otzi himself and everything was in its original place. Examinations of the ice also contained pollen which indicated that Otzi could have died in autumn and together with this evidence, scientists were able to conclude that the Iceman may have been caught in a storm and died of hypothermia.
As the corpse was subjected to X-rays and Computer Assisted Tomography Scans which revealed what appeared to be unhealed rib fractures. The Disaster theory surfaced, suggesting the iceman was some kind of shepherd returning to his homeland in the autumn. It was believed that Otzi had faced an argument or battle which led to the fracturing of his chest, before he escaped. A cut on his hand also supports this, where he most probably had used his hands in defence. Drained of energy from his injuries, the iceman had laid down to rest on the Alps, where he was engulfed by hypothermia and died.
Iceman ready for CAT scan |
After being brought to an Italian Museum, Otzi’s was recreated by forensic pathologist, Peter Vanezis. As many others did, Vaezis had questioned the theory of the Iceman’s death. Hornbeam pollen in the intestines indicated Otzi’s death was during spring and examination of the ribs showed the fracturing had occurred after Otzi’s death. This new information had brought scientists back to where they had started.
Recreation of Otzi |
In June 2001, an x-ray revealed a peculiar arrow like object lodged into Otzi’s shoulder. This object was discovered to be denser than bone and was concluded to be a stone arrow head which had not been noticed despite the ten years of intensive study. With the unexpected discovery of this arrow head, past theories have been refined to explain the presence of the arrow head which had managed to penetrate his shoulder bone. Theories now state Otzi had been chased and shot by an arrow of which he himself had extracted, or the attacker had extracted after the shot. Exhausted from energy and drained from bleeding, Otzi could not continue further and therefore lay down and subjected to death. Evidence of traces of blood in Otzi’s brain also reveals the fact that Otzi had suffered head injuries prior to or after his death. The blow to the head may have resulted in a finishing attack by the attacker or Otzi may have hit his head on a rock after falling to his death.

Recent investigations have allowed scientists to gain a new perspective of the Iceman’s cause of death. After extracting the stomach contents of the Iceman, about half a pound of food was found in total inside this organ, which had sat almost as high as his chest. These food remains consisted of grains and meat of a wild goat which still may be evident on the Alps today. This food had not had enough time to digest, which indicates the Iceman had met his death soon after this last meal. when considering this evidence, it would be unusual for the Iceman to be on the run from his attacker if he had time to sit down and eat this meal. Therefore new theories have be hypothesised of that the Otzi suffered a surprise attack of which he did not expect, possible from someone he knew, of his own community.
The cause of the Iceman’s death will never be certain, but clues from the body and equipment have allowed scientists and archaeologists to take steps closer into the possible reasons and ways which ended the life of this historical ancestor.
To read about more theories proposed about how Otzi died, visit
this website.